Seminars For Couples Therapists

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Multicultural Counseling Services
English, Spanish, and Portuguese
Counseling Institute of Atlanta is glad to offer you online services. If you think these online services might be helpful to you, please, contact us.


Frequent Asked Questions about seminars for couples therapists

You can contact our office number at ( 404) 630-1361 or WhatsApp +1 404-663-4158 or email (

Dr. Navarrete is our clinical director and provides the seminar. Online or in person, depending on the seminars.

The cost of the seminar can vary. We normally, advertise the seminar and the cost together.

Payments are made by phone; once you are ready and have sent your registration information, a staff member will contact you to help you with payment options.

We offer different formats and times. Some seminars are two hours long and some trainings are one year long.

Dr. Navarrete’s office is located in Atlanta, Georgia. Some seminars are offered online and some in person I some Latin American countries.

Yes. You have to register in advance for each academic event.

Dr. Navarrete offers different training in Spanish only.

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