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At Counseling Institute of Atlanta, we would be more than glad to help you with your immigration case and complete a comprehensive and detailed clinical evaluation. Our clinical director, Dr. Alejandro Navarrete-Aguilar, is an immigration issues expert and has years of experience evaluating the mental health of clients that have an immigration case or their spouses and children. Dr. Navarrete-Aguilar is a bilingual (Spanish-English) Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Professional Counselors Supervisor. He holds a doctoral degree in Psychology obtained in the United States. His understanding of other cultures makes it easy for people who seek a professional who can communicate in their same language and understand the situation they are going through.

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What is an Immigration Clinical Evaluation?

A mental health evaluation for immigration is a professional document in which your emotional status and stressors are presented. This clinical report demonstrates the extreme hardship, trauma, or any other mental health related disorders caused by an overwhelming situation; such as being separated from a family member or the transition from one country to another as it could result a challenging and stressful experience. This document is done by a licensed professional counselor who has studies in the mental health field and who can also understand the client’s cultural background; this licensed professional counselor can assist individuals and families in their immigration process.

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Types of Immigration Evaluations:

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If you are a Permanent Resident or a U.S. citizen, who is married to a non-citizen/ non-permanent resident, you may apply for a WAIVER to prove that the long term separation from your spouse due to his/her relocation to his/her country or your entire family moving to his/her country would result in extreme hardship to you.

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If you are about to be deported, your spouse, parent, or child (who must be permanent residents or U.S. citizens) can apply for a Cancellation of Removal, which might be able to prove that any of them would suffer and extreme hardship, present or future, due to your relocation.

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If you can prove that you are unable to return to your country due to fear of persecution because of political opinion, race, religion, nationality, or membership in a social group, you may apply for Political Asylum.

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If you were a victim of a crime in the United Sates, you can apply for a U-VISA, demonstrating that you suffered considerable mental or physical abuse. It is recommended that you discuss your case with a legal advisor to determine if your case is elligible for a U-Visa

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You can apply for VAWA if you can prove you have suffered from domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking in the United States. Your partner or spouse had to be a Legal Resident or Citizen of the United States, otherwise you can apply for a U-Visa

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Immigration Evaluations

In the last years, we have performed comprehensive Immigration Evaluations:

  • Victims of domestic violence (VAWA)
  • Victims of crime: U Visa
  • Waivers / Hardships

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