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It is well known that the average divorce in the U.S costs between $15-30,000 or even higher. The average mediated divorce costs less than $5,000. Couples who reach an agreement through court, report that mediation helps work together as parents, they resolve custody disputes in a better way and are more involved with their children. Divorce mediation is about deciding your divorce. It consists in working through the issues you need to resolve such as distribution of property (assets/liabilities), child custody and parenting time, child support/maintenance, retirement, taxes, among others, so you and your soon to be ex-spouse can end your marriage as amicably and cost effective as possible; making decisions on what is best for the both of you and your children. Mediation is flexible and confidential. The basic goals of the mediation process are: Assist parties as they endeavor to find solutions to problems, reduce the likelihood of future disputes, and, when possible or appropriate, build or repair relationships.

Call Us to request information about our Divorce Mediation service in Spanish. We can work with you and your attorney (if you have one) to help both parties to reach an agreement in this difficult time and process.

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